Marked 3 years 1 week ago onto Bookmarks
Youtube is the best video sharing and watching new videos and songs or entertainment platform in the world. The is a dedicated Google platform to link Google account on mobile to YouTube on a smart TV. We can activate the YouTube app with the YouTube activation code on our smart TV. We can activate YouTube in any device with using the original youtube app and youtube com activate. It is the advanced technology in the form of entertainment and we love to watch their favorite shows on bug screen. We can watch youtube on any smart phone as long it has video support and an internet connection as well as on computer that have a supported browser with an internet connection, watching youtube on tv is a different luxury. It is support on any smart TV. The following devices such as smart TV, Apple TV, roku, play station, Xbox and other streaming media players.
Steps to Install the "activate youtube tv"
* Open the application store on our sharp TV.
* Log in to our application store.
* Select YouTube under the "TV and motion pictures" segment.
* Select and Press OK to "Include channel".
* Install the YouTube application on our media player.
"tv youtube/activate" Roku
* Connect your Roku device through a Wi-Fi.
* Log in to our Roku account.
* On your remote control click on home option.
* Find the Roku channel store.
* Next select YouTube.
* Open YouTube on your Roku TV.
* Click on the gear icon to the left side of the YouTube channel app
* Click on the next menu and select the Google account to sign in using our Google login information.
* Take note of the YouTube 8 digit activation code on our TV screen.
* Go to on your computer or phone browser
* Enter the code on your TV screen.
* Log in to your Google account
* Click on allow access when you are prompted to allow Roku to access your YouTube account.
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