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Marked 1 year 1 month ago onto Do robotic knee replacements work better?

Source: https://anoopjhurani.com/robotic-knee-replacement/

Yes, robotic surgery has been found to produce superior results than traditional knee replacement. According to studies, robotic methods produce more accurate results. The better the score, the fewer the traumas to bone and tissue, and robotic help leaves precision that reduces traumatic areas.
Why is robotic knee replacement surgery so popular?

Robotic knee replacement surgery has gained popularity in recent years due to its potential benefits in improving surgical accuracy, precision, and patient outcomes.
Here are some major benefits of robotic knee replacement surgery:
1. Minimally Invasive: Robotic knee replacement surgery is typically performed using minimally invasive techniques, which involve smaller incisions and less disruption to surrounding tissues compared to traditional open surgery. This can result in less pain, faster recovery, and reduced scarring.
2. Faster Recovery: With the precise implant placement and soft tissue balancing achieved through robotic assistance, patients may experience faster recovery times compared to traditional knee replacement surgery. This may allow patients to return to their normal activities and daily routines sooner.
3. Reduced Risk of Complications: The precision and accuracy of robotic knee replacement surgery can help reduce the risk of complications such as implant misalignment, instability, and premature wear. Proper alignment and balancing of the knee joint can lead to improved implant longevity and reduced need for revision surgeries.
4. Better Long-term Outcomes: Robotic knee replacement surgery has shown promising results in terms of long-term outcomes. Studies have shown that patients who undergo robotic-assisted knee replacement surgery may experience improved functional outcomes, better range of motion, and increased patient satisfaction compared to traditional knee replacement surgery.
5. Increased Implant Longevity: The precise placement of the implant achieved through robotic assistance may result in better alignment and balance of the knee joint, potentially leading to increased implant longevity. This may reduce the need for revision surgeries in the future.

It's important to note that not all patients may be candidates for robotic knee replacement surgery, and the decision to undergo this procedure should be made in consultation with a qualified orthopedic surgeon who can determine the most appropriate treatment plan based on the patient's individual needs and medical condition.

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