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Marked 4 years 4 months ago onto Eye Align

Why shouldn't you neglect squint eye condition?
What is Squint?
A squint, or strabismus, is a condition wherein the eyes are not appropriately aligned. In a squint eye condition, one eye may turn upwards, inwards, outwards, or downwards, while the other eye focuses on one spot. The condition may possibly result in objects appearing blurry or double vision. But there is nothing to worry about Squint eye for it can be treated and cured by a medical professional. Approach the best squint specialist in Mumbai and you are sure to get positive results.
Whether or not a squint eye condition is dangerous?
Squint eye conditions may not necessarily be dangerous if treated on time. However, if neglected it can lead to further complications. If a child has a squint they should be immediately taken to consult a squint specialist in Mumbai. Neglecting treatment will only worsen the condition and make things more complicated for the person having the squint eye condition. If not consulted and treated on time it can lead to inactive and lazy eyes, resulting in a disorder known as lazy eye (amblyopia). It is best when in doubt consider visiting an ophthalmologist nearby for getting the right treatment. Moreover, squint can be treated using several methods depending on the severity of the condition. Given below are details of possible treatment for squint eye condition-
1. Spectacles- Spectacles are a basic treatment option if the reason for squint is a Refractive error. In such a scenario the squint eye specialist in Mumbai may give glasses to a child to correct an accommodative squint.
2. Exercise to Eye Muscle- Another possible remedial to squint eye conditions is eye muscle exercise. It is the simplest way of treating and is very successful when used in treating Exophoria or Convergence insufficiency in children. Exercises suggested by squint eye surgeons will involve practicing coordinated movement and inward focusing of the eyes. Over time this will help you focus well on nearby objects.
3. Prism Glasses- Prisms glasses can help address the double vision side effect of squint. So, the prism basically bends the rays of light slightly that enter the eye for it to see only one image instead of a double vision. However, this measure is more of a support than a corrective measure. More so, it cannot correct severe double vision wherein the images are seen far apart from each other.
4. Surgery of Eye Muscles- Eye muscle surgery is probably the most common treatment for a squint. Consulting the best squint surgeon in Mumbai can probably help you with the decision of whether it is required or no. Typically, squint occurs the muscles surrounding an eye are either too strong or too weak. This results in the misalignment of the eyes. However, with corrective measures like this, an eye surgeon in Mumbai can surgically address the eye muscles issue and fix the squint. It is a daycare surgery wherein patients can head back home the very same day and can expect a complete recovery of eyes within a few weeks.

Regardless of the reason for having a squint eye, one must not neglect the condition at any cost. It is advisable that you consult with a squint eye surgeon about the condition and accordingly take necessary corrective steps for the treatment of squint. Based on the severity of your squint your eye specialist will suggest correct steps that you should take for treatment.

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