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Riya Loveguard
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Marked 3 years 3 months ago onto Light Languages

In this transmission, Riya Loveguard is demystifying the Light Language and show you how you can use this divine gift for self-transformation. There is also a brief Arcturian meditation & Light Language transmission.

Light Language has long been misunderstood.?
But in fact, this powerful spiritual tool is really simple to grasp and use!

You can use it to raise your own vibration and that of people around you. Light Language also helps you connect deeper with your spiritual guidance.

To learn more about the Light Languages join Riya Loveguard our upcoming free classes riyaloveguard.com

Riya Marta Loveguard, or as her Guides call her "Riya", is an energy worker whose mission on Earth is to activate and equip other Starseeds, Lightworkers, Healers, Creatives and Conscious Entrepreneurs.

Riya channels powerful Galactic frequencies using Sound Technology, or so-called Light Language.

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Light Languages

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