Marked 4 years 8 months ago onto kisa credit card through dairy in kolhapur
shetkrryaaNnaa duudh ddeariimaarpht kisaan kredditt kaardd | kisa credit card, kolhapur news
Kolhapur: - The Reserve Bank of India has included all farmers engaged in animal husbandry and poultry farming in the Kisan Credit Card (KCC) scheme. So far, 1 lakh 15 thousand farmers in Kolhapur district have taken loans worth Rs 1180 crore for kharif under KCC. The expansion of KCC will provide an additional credit of Rs 3 lakh to four lakh milk farmers in the district. KCC will be made available to the farmers through the village milk institute till 31st July. As per RBI instructions (Circular No. RVI / 2019-20 / 48 dated 26 August 2019) two per cent interest repayment and three per cent additional interest refund for repaying the loan within the stipulated time. Milk will now be supplied to farmers who do not have KCC through the organization. The credit limit for members who already have KCC has been increased. The scheme will provide an additional loan of up to Rs 3 lakh. The co-operative milk unions will fill up the KCC form from the farmer members and with the help of the secretary of the primary milk co-operative society, Bank Mitra, the farmers will also be included in it. KCC will be distributed through Gokul, Warna, Duttnagar Shirol, Annapurna Dudh Sangh. A nodal officer has been appointed for each milk team. It is planned that four lakh milk producing farmers will get KCC by the end of July 31.
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