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Marked 3 years 2 weeks ago onto Seaweed Extract - Hindchem Corporation

Seaweed Extract - Hindchem Corporation

Seaweed Extract - Hindchem Corporation
seaweed extract from Ascophyllum nodosum, and it contains natural plant hormones and various natural nutrient substances, trace minerals, carbohydrates.
Soil nutrients are constantly being depleted through runoff due to over farming, tilling, development etc...All of these nutrients eventually run into the oceans, without a return path. Seaweed provides a way to naturally return vital soil nutrients from the ocean back to your plants, trees and turf.
Soil nutrients are constantly being depleted through runoff due to over farming, tilling, development etc...All of these nutrients eventually run into the oceans, without a return path. Seaweed provides a way to naturally return vital soil nutrients from the ocean back to your plants, trees and turf.

Improve blossom and fruit set
Supply well-balanced crop nutrients
Help plants to endure environmental stress
Stimulate cell division, improve the fruit size
Improve root growth

To know more: https://www.hindchem.com/con...

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