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Salesforce is the #1 Cloud CRM solution with the core modules like customer service, marketing automation, analytics, and application development services. While on the other hand, Sage ERP manages business processes such as accounting, procurement, project management, risk management, compliance and supply chain operations. An integrated ERP - CRM system provides control and organization of the complete sales and manufacturing process, empowering the sales and service staff with manufacturing details such as inventory levels, estimated costs, approximate time for delivery, customer preferences and previous interactions. Greytrix, with twenty years of involvement with ERP and CRM combination, offers its five stars appraised Salesforce - Sage ERP (Sage X3, Sage 100, Sage 300) coordination on Salesforce Appexchange, utilizing organizations with bi-directional information permeability of Customer orders, receipt status and client data.
What's new in Greytrix GUMU(tm) integration for Salesforce and Sage ERP?
The Salesforce integration with Sage X3, Sage 100, Sage 300 assists enterprises with compelling features which improve the integrity of data within the organization, simplify operations and enhance reporting. Greytrix has developed advancements to the integration introducing better control over sales and service departments of industries like:
Promote Entities
GUMU(tm) integration promotes or updates customers and sales orders from Salesforce to Sage ERP with a single click. The ERP specific required Information such as the Default Shipping Address, Salespeople, Tax code fields, and Customer Specific Pricing are auto-populated in real-time to Salesforce to give the Sales representative the liberty of worry-free data entry to ERP directly.
Standard Salesforce Opportunity
GUMU(tm) provides the user take complete advantage of Standard functionality in Salesforce of creating Opportunities along with Quote items and converting to Sales Order. In addition, GUMU(tm) extends the functionality and allows users to promote the Quote to ERP. And when the same is converted to order, the respective quote record in ERP will be converted to Order automatically.
Data Preview
To improve the overall user experience in GUMU(tm) integration, a "Salesforce - ERP Data Preview" feature is available. This feature provides the user with the ability to preview & validate the ERP data before it is imported in Salesforce CRM, which further minimizes data error.
Real-time Product Inquiry
Allow users to gain access to real-time Information of products when a Sales Rep creates, adds or updates products to its Sales Orders in Salesforce using GUMU(tm) connector. This results in enhanced decision-making functionality for stakeholders to eliminate duplication and identify areas of Opportunity.
Promoting Prospects
GUMU(tm) for Sage and Salesforce integration allows users a key feature using the lightning interface to promote an Account in Salesforce as a Prospect to Sage X3 ERP, simplifying enterprise operations.
Do the cloud ERP solution and Salesforce integration fuel your interest? Are you thinking about integrating your Salesforce CRM and Sage ERP solution, but have some doubts or concerns, then join hands with Salesforce CRM integration experts!
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