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Source: Dirt Bike Rental Dubai Dirt Bike Tours Dubai KTM Bike Rental. Today, it's the turn of Justin , winner of the Xplore category , to break with everyday life. His project ? From the discovery of Southeast Asia cultures while making a report according to his meetings . To do this, he decided to focus his filming on children . He will therefore realize 20 portraits with the final objective of finding these 20 children when they grow up. Justin Van Colen is originally from Pont-l'Eveque, a town in Calvados renowned for making one of the tasty Norman cheeses. Since he was 16, he has been traveling the world to meet local populations. Justin is also a seasoned reporter since he has already been introduced to the prouction of mini-reports on previous trips. Thanks to his victory in Voyages & Vous , he launched an assault on South-East Asia. At this very moment, he is starting his trip to Thailand , discovering the City of Angels - Bangkok - Khmer temples and small isolated villages.
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