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मधाचे फायदे | sahad, madhache fayade - Benefits Of Honey In Marathi


mdhaace phaayde | sahad, madhache fayade - Benefits Of Honey In Marathi
Honey is usually found in every home. Honey is used in many recipes nowadays. Honey is used as an alternative to sugar. Honey is astringent and sweet in taste. In Ayurveda, Sushrutacharya has mentioned eight types. Among them, honey collected by wild big smoked fish is considered superior. Also honey collected by yellow bees was considered good Goes. Older honey is better than fresh honey. Ayurveda experts recommend that honey be made into a lick with powder in many ailments. Honey is a yogi that has its properties according to the substance with which it is combined.
What are the benefits of honey? Honey is a expectorant. If you have a cold or cough, doctors recommend licking it with honey. It benefits early.
aslyaas Eat honey if you have a cough.
* Honey is beneficial for diabetics.
* Applying honey heals wounds quickly.
aslyaas In case of blisters on the tongue, apply honey or sneeze.
mdh Honey is beneficial for reducing obesity.
mishrnn A mixture of lentil flour, honey, milk works very well to brighten the face.
You can use it regularly while bathing. Honey reduces phlegm and reduces obesity. Also useful for dermatitis, worms, asthma, gonorrhea. Therefore, it is more beneficial to take medicines for these ailments with honey.
There are some rules for consuming honey
* Honey should never be heated.
mdh Honey should not be taken in hot weather, if you have heat illness.
aalyaa After coming out of the sun, if exposed to fire for a long time, sweating a lot
* If so, do not eat honey immediately.
mdh Do not take honey in hot water; Because doing so can cause nuisance.

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Benefits Of Honey

मधाचे फायदे | sahad, madhache fayade - Benefits Of Honey In Marathi
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