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Keren Wynne
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Marked 3 years 3 months ago onto LG Appliance Service Chula Vista


If your household appliance goes down, it will undoubtedly throw a kink in your plans. But fear not: you've arrived to the correct place: LG Appliance Service, the Great Time Fix! In Chula Vista, we specialize in LG Appliance Repair Services. In our many years of appliance repair knowledge, there isn't an issue we haven't fixed! From refrigerators that don't cool to ovens and stoves that don't heat to dishwashers that don't clean, we've seen it all. We stick to our objective of satisfying our clients by providing the best repair services possible and our vision of completing everything with the aid of our skilled staff. This service was created to assist consumers with their malfunctioning appliances.

Refrigerator repair
Dishwasher repair
Oven Repair
Stove repair
Laundry repair

Phone Number: (844) 462-8198
Business Hours: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Payment Method: Cash, Credit Card and Check

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LG Appliance Service Chula Vista

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