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Marked 6 years 1 week ago onto Global Flotation Reagents Market Size, Industry CAGR Analysis 2025

Flotation Reagents Market is estimated to grow from USD XXXX billion to USD XXX billion, at a CAGR of XXX during the forecast period. The flotation reagents market size throughout the globe is growing due to its demand in water & wastewater treatment, explosives & drilling, and mineral processing applications.

The Flotation Reagents Industry is dominated by the mining industry and is predicted to have the highest growth rate of CAGR XX% during the forecast period. The chemicals are used in mining activities, according to the type of the mine explored in the area. Froth flotation chemicals help in the extraction of minerals, by permitting them to attach to air bubbles. Collectors are the main froth flotation chemicals that increase the wettability characteristics of the necessary minerals, for the immersion of molecules on the mineral surface, saving of the mixture's stability, and separation of minerals.

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Flotation is one of the key technologies when it comes to mineral processing and is an open platform for research. While the concepts remain almost similar there are some floating reagents trends that are revolutionary. One such floating reagents trend is the continuing trend toward larger and larger flotation units for meeting the ever-increasing amounts of lower head-grade ores.

Asia-Pacific is the major contributor in Flotation Reagents Market Share, with China as the leading consumer. In 2017, Asia-Pacific contributed to 46% of the Flotation Reagents Market Share and China holds 28% share of the consumption of flotation reagents.

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