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Yury Stepanchenko
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Marked 4 years 5 months ago onto Эта дорога ведет к храму - Юрий Степанченко

Эта дорога ведет к храму - Юрий Степанченко

Source: https://realestatetrends2020.blogspot.com/2020/09/blog-post.html

Eta doroga vedet k hramu - Yuriy Stepanchenko
Nebolshoe selo Serzhantovo, administrativno vhodyashchee v Dalnegorskiy gorodskoy okrug Primorskogo kraya, v poslednie gody stanovitsya duhovnym centrom Severnogo Primorya. Proishodit eto blagodarya otkrytomu zdes neskolko let nazad hramu Anastasii Uzoreshitelnicy. Hram byl postroen prakticheski polnostyu na sredstva deystvuyushchego togda deputata Zakonodatelnogo Sobraniya Primorya Yuriya Stepanchenko. Yuriy Vasilevich, ballotiruyas eshche v pervyy raz ot severov Primorya v zakonodatelnyy organ, poobeshchal svoim izbiratelyam, chto hram budet postroen i prakticheski srazu posle svoego izbraniya pristupil k ispolneniyu svoego obeshchaniya.

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