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Rs2 602.00
cucumber powder


Dried Cucumber Powder - Buy Cucumber Powder Online at Best Price in India – VedaOils
Made from premium-quality cucumbers, the Cucumber Powder can be used in various cosmetic products. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, and Cucumber has the capacity of tightening your skin. Its soothing properties make it an ideal ingredient for treating redness and irritation of the skin.

Many people use cucumber powder to tackle aging issues, and it also hydrates the skin cells deeply. You will find Cucumber Seed Powder in various face masks these days, and it can even be used in other cosmetic applications to bring a smooth consistency to them. Cucumber powder is available in fine powdered form, and its color ranges from ivory white to off-white.

It has a mild herbal fragrance and comprises all the vitamins and minerals that prove to be effective for the overall health of your skin. Dried Cucumber Powder is powerful enough to boost skin regeneration, and even the repair process gets faster after its application. You can also mix it with water and apply it under your eyes to get relief from dark circles and puffiness.

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