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Marked 3 years 1 month ago onto Indias First Metaverse Immersive VR Software

3D Avatar Based Virtual Meeting Platforms | Indias First Metaverse Immersive VR Software - NextMeet®


3D Avatar Based Virtual Meeting Platforms | Indias First Metaverse Immersive VR Software - NextMeet(r)

NextMeet(r) Immersive VR Software provides corporate training, customer service or advertising companies a cost effective solution for the creation of 3D AVATARS to attend their meetings. Our 3D virtual meeting platform uses avatars that are based on the actual employees in a company and designed to mimic the palm of your hand and face.

India's first metaverse immersive platform which enables the user to indulge in a VR environment where they can click pictures, capture videos and share information with their associates.

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User Guide : Best Video Conferencing App for Windows And Mac OS - NextMeet®
3D Avatar Based Virtual Meeting Platforms | Indias First Metaverse Immersive VR Software - NextMeet®
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Contact Us : Immersive VR Platform | 3d Spaces For Meeting - NextMeet®
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