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Marked 4 weeks 1 day ago onto كلمات اغاني

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klmt Gny@ llyl@ Hlw@ rwby

Tb hy lq`d@ dy lly wnsh wywmn d@ shklh jmyl. khdn hw mn lfrH@ wSl@ dmGn fSl@ wryqyn Twl lywm ljw l`sl lmwd lqmr.

bdt lmwsyq~ l`rby@ tTwrh fy lnSf lthny mn lqrn lts` `shr, khSwS fy `hd lkhdywy sm`yl ldhy klf lmwsyqr lyTly frdy btlyf wbr `yd@ wbn dr lwbr lmSry@ bmnsb@ fttH qn@ lswys. wHtDn lkhdywy `bdh lHmwly ldhy kn yGny fy lqSr.

lmSdr: klmt Gny@ llyl@ Hlw@ rwby

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